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  • Enrollment for 2025 Nutrition Consultant Enhancement Program (English)
    Enrollment for 2025 Nutrition Consultant Enhancement Program (English)
    The course runs between Jan to March 2025
    Online workshop and lessons
    The course runs between Jan to March 2025
    Online workshop and lessons
    This is a professional skills training specially designed for ICHH nutrition student. The purpose is to improve the professional operations of dietary therapists and enable newly graduated nutrition students to overcome the challenges of entering into their nutrition career for the first time.
  • 报名食疗师晋升班课程( 中文班 2025)
    报名食疗师晋升班课程( 中文班 2025)
    This course starts in Jan 2025 Sat Morning
    Online workshop and lessons
    This course starts in Jan 2025 Sat Morning
    Online workshop and lessons
  • 报名食疗师晋升班课程( 中文班 2024)
    报名食疗师晋升班课程( 中文班 2024)
    This course starts in June 2024 wed evening
    Online workshop and lessons
    This course starts in June 2024 wed evening
    Online workshop and lessons
  • 如何评估保健产品 中文 (How to evaluate the quality of Nutritional Supplements)
    如何评估保健产品 中文 (How to evaluate the quality of Nutritional Supplements)
    Time is TBD
    Online workshop for the future nutritionist
    Time is TBD
    Online workshop for the future nutritionist
    难得的机会!资深的关老师有多年药品管理和研究经验。结合她的营养知识和自然医学训练,通过此训练把重要的产品知识带给营养师们!中文讲课 (中英slide) What a rare opportunity! Senior trainer Ms. Kwan has many years of experience in natural medicine and pharmaceutical science. This 90min training will share several considerations when choosing good quality supplements for
  • 使用"好脂肪"取代“坏油脂”的饮食贴士 (Substitute unhealthy fats with good oils)  中文(双语讲义)
    使用"好脂肪"取代“坏油脂”的饮食贴士 (Substitute unhealthy fats with good oils)  中文(双语讲义)
    Time is TBD
    Time is TBD
    过量摄入氧化,饱和和反式脂肪会导致严重的健康问题。 我们可以为客户提供什么实用建议,以帮助他们用有益的油代替不健康的脂肪? 老师60 分钟中文授课,给你一一解答。
  • 消化问题与消化酵素的应用-中文 (The Use of Digestive Enzymes)
    消化问题与消化酵素的应用-中文 (The Use of Digestive Enzymes)
    Time is TBD
    Time is TBD
    食疗师如何使用消化酶解决各种消化问题。包括如何帮助客户促进强消化功能的贴士。(60 min, 中文授课)Trainer: Ms Adeline Wong. A 60 min talk which aim to enhance practitioner's knowledge on use of digestive enzymes to solve different digestion problem and some tips of promoting good digestive function of our clients. In Mandarin.
  • Overcoming digestive issues and the use of Digestive Enzyme (English)
    Overcoming digestive issues and the use of Digestive Enzyme (English)
    Time is TBD
    Time is TBD
    A 60-minute talk which aim to enhance practitioners' knowledge on the use of digestive enzymes to solve different digestion problem and some tips of promoting good digestive function of our clients.
  • How to evaluate the quality of Nutritional Supplements (English)
    How to evaluate the quality of Nutritional Supplements (English)
    Time is TBD
    Online workshop for nutritionist
    Time is TBD
    Online workshop for nutritionist
    What a rare opportunity! Senior trainer Ms. Kwan has many years of experience in natural medicine and pharmaceutical science. This 100-minute training will share several considerations when choosing good quality supplements for your practice!
  • Substitute unhealthy fats with good oils- English
    Substitute unhealthy fats with good oils- English
    Time is TBD
    Time is TBD
    Excessive intake of oxidized, saturated and trans-fat can cause serious health problem. What kind of practical advice can we give to our clients to help them replace unhealthy fats with beneficial oils.
  • 如何用水提升健康和预防疾病 How to use Water to improve Health and prevent Disease
    如何用水提升健康和预防疾病 How to use Water to improve Health and prevent Disease
    Time is TBD
    Time is TBD
  • Supplement Application (4classes): ingredients, functions & safety
    Supplement Application (4classes): ingredients, functions & safety
    Time is TBD
    The correct use of various nutrition supp.
    Time is TBD
    The correct use of various nutrition supp.
    This training focuses on various active ingredients and their safety and effectiveness as well as their application in various health conditions. All sessions will be recorded and posted to participants.
  • 报名食疗师晋升班课程(year 2023) Enrolment for Enhancement Class 2023
    报名食疗师晋升班课程(year 2023) Enrolment for Enhancement Class 2023
    This course starts in Sep 2023 wed evening
    Online workshop and lessons
    This course starts in Sep 2023 wed evening
    Online workshop and lessons
    食疗师晋升班是为营养师特设的专业技能训练,目的在于提升食疗师的专业操作,让刚毕业的营养学生能够稳步进入专业职场的需求。历年来深受好评,被学员们评为“最值得上的课程”!今年的晋升班将在9-11月 周三晚上.
  • 天然草本伤药护理 (Herbal First Aid )-备在家就放心啦!中文课
    天然草本伤药护理 (Herbal First Aid )-备在家就放心啦!中文课
    Time is TBD
    Herbal First aid seminar via zoom
    Time is TBD
    Herbal First aid seminar via zoom
    通过草药配方作为家具和外出旅行轻微伤药护理, 随时应急。家里备好了这些就放心了!This 120 min training focus on the use of herbal remedies to treat some minor health issues at home or during travel. Essential for home and traveling. Having these remedies on hand gives you peace of mind.
  • 如何制作人人爱看的营养烹饪节目?(关素菁老师特别训练会)
    Time is TBD
    online lesson, group video making
    Time is TBD
    online lesson, group video making
    Upcoming rare workshop from Ms. Kwan! This is a one-of-a-kind workshop you will learn how to prepare and conduct a successful cooking class session. Are you ready to show up in the media?
  • Nutritional Needs for Vegans & Vegetarians (English)
    Nutritional Needs for Vegans & Vegetarians (English)
    Time is TBD
    Online Seminar
    Time is TBD
    Online Seminar
    This 60 min session will focus on nutrition pitfall and what nutritional supports are essential for your vegan clients
  • The Magic of Tidying up 奇妙的人生整理术 (中文)
    The Magic of Tidying up 奇妙的人生整理术 (中文)
    Time is TBD
    Time is TBD
    房子乱糟糟老是整理了又乱? 不知道从何开始整理?总不想呆在家里? 被杂物包围对许多事情都提不起劲? 让整理师Tracy与你分享风靡全世界家居整理术及概念~~ 《断舍离》与 "KonMari Method" 结合了这两大整理派系的精髓,给你直入重点的介绍,通过知识的了解及分享,整理技巧的指导与实践,揭开整理的迷思;告别懒散与拖延, 和凌乱 says good-bye! 马上就掌握这个可以代代相传的整理概念和妙招 让你的居家环境清神气爽;让你的人生茅塞顿开!
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