3-day Gentle
Juicing Detox
This online coaching session is for the first timer of the 3-day Juicing Detox regimen. You will receive detailed instructions, a timetable and guidance on meals during detox via email. The consultant will work through the process with you. Please note that this session does not include any juice.
You can buy the 3-day 4-litres of organic juice from our product Natural Health Depot website. NHD supplies organic cold-pressed juice delivered to your doorstep on the selected day. Juices are packed into smaller glass bottles. Order the juice only from HERE

Holistic Detox
There is no doubt that doing regular detoxification is essential to maintain good health. In Sprouts Holistic Health, we deploy the most effective, safe, our Holistic Detox Program looks at the whole person and uses natural methods which are gentle, safe, and effective for our clients. Our range of detoxification programs include
Digestive Detox
Juicing Detox
Liver & Gall Cleanse
Colon Detox
Heavy Metal Detox
Talk to us now if you need some guidance on doing detoxification.